in person...anis...

[ f a r a h ]


name :               farah nadia azman a.k.a farah

email :    

homepage :

the day you guys and gals shud gimme some presents :     1 october

likes :                surfing the web (watch out for the bill, mate), reading,                          comics, cartoon, anime (a fanatic. her homepage should be                          enough as explaination), listening to radio, writing, watching                          tv, daydreaming, computer, video games, and of course,                          drawing! (and darn good at that, too)

i'm hoping for a spot in :     UKM, UM, UTM, ITM, Unitele, Uniten

interested in :    IT and computer science

snail-mail address :     what would you be doing at her house anyway? :)

phone no :        good luck!

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